Frequently Asked Questions for the future Kellys

  • Where is The Hillside Estate Located?

    The Hillside Estate is the stunning venue Parker & Emily are tying the knot at! The venue is located at:

    901 Moseley Road Crossroads, Texas 76227

  • Where is the best place to stay after the wedding?

    Emily & Parker have provided a “travel guide” for all of their guests! Please take a look HERE or click the tab above.

  • Are children allowed at the wedding?

    The future Kellys are asking that this be a parent night out event. Unfortunately, children will not be allowed at the wedding.

  • Will the ceremony be indoor or outdoor?

    The Kelly wedding will be held in Cross Roads, Texas at the end of November. Typically temperatures range between a low of 44 degrees and a high of 67 degrees. The ceremony will be held inside at the Chapel. The reception will be held inside as well. Cocktail hour in between the two will be an indoor/ outdoor event. Please dress accordingly.

  • Will there be parking at the venue?

    Yes. There will be free parking on the far right side of the venue. Please note: Ride services such as Uber and Lyft will also drop-off/ pick-up from the venue if you prefer to use these services instead. If you choose to use ride services, it will be self-pay.

  • Can guests bring cameras or take photos during the ceremony and reception?

    Please silence your cellphones during the ceremony and keep them stowed away along with any cameras. Guests can bring their phones and cameras out during the cocktail hour and reception.

  • What is the attire for the wedding?

    The Kelly’s are requesting black tie attire.

  • When should I RSVP?

    Please RSVP by September 15th, 2024.

  • What if I have a question that is not listed on this page?

    Please use the question box below to submit any unanswered questions.